Friday, August 27, 2010

It has been too long...

Last week I started my first student teaching placement. I am currently in an 11th grade English Language Arts class. My cooperating teacher is very nice and I am excited about this part of my program. I am, however, a little scared of the 37 students in the class who are all taller than me and look at me like they hate me. I choose to not take that last part personally since it is first period and I assume they are mad that they have to be at school...not at me. I taught my first little snippet of a lesson the other day.  If any of you are interested in a graphic organizer illustrating how noun categories overlap, you know who to call.

In other exciting news, I made an impromptu trip to L.A.'s Fashion District in search of wedding supplies and discovered that they have so much cheap stuff! I found ties for the groomsmen in the perfect shade of yellow for $5. (This was a huge victory because I had been searching everywhere but all the yellow ties were too gold or too buttercup.) I also found a really cute hair piece for me for about 75% less than what I would have paid for it retail.

Countdown to wedding: 36 days!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear more about your teaching experiences! (I'm sure they don't hate you). And congrats on the yellow ties!
